#My little home ...
"Existe un lugar,
donde estoy c贸moda,
donde todos mis pensamientos
se ponen en orden,
donde dejo mi imaginaci贸n volar,
donde me invade la paz,
ese lugar es mi peque帽o mundo..."
***Outfit: ***ArisAris-B&W~Gara62~Witty Romper-
***Body & Head appliers: .::WoW Skins::. 2016 Jayma Caffe' omega appl.
***Bodymesh: Belleza-Freya
***Serenity Style- Autumn Country Gacha >>Shiny Shabby
*windows pots
*pots cart
*bucket of woods
*planter 1 & 2
*Serenity Style-Horn Lake: >>Tres chic venue
*Horn Lake Chestnuts sack
*- Horn Lake Grandma's Recipe Pot
* Horn Lake Rocking Chair
*Horn Lake rust bucket
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.