Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta legal insanity. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta legal insanity. Mostrar todas las entradas

#Feel the rhythm of the music ...

#Feel the rhythm of the music ...

  Alexa Sorex   martes, abril 10, 2018    0
"Music is look far into yourself, light is a reflection at the bottom of the abyss It is the immensity of the blue sky, is, perhaps, my thought, my concern, without realizing I

#Rainy days...

#Rainy days...

  Alexa Sorex   martes, marzo 27, 2018    0
"I love to enjoy from the rainy days ... have fun with water, and jump in the puddles ..." Clothes & Accesory: ***Top: Legal Insanity - Lily tops  ***Short: ***Short: ADDAMS -  INDIGO ***Hair: VanityHair -Amorous ***Rings: *KUNDALA* - Heart Ring

#Why do not you stay with me?

#Why do not you stay with me?

  Alexa Sorex   sábado, marzo 17, 2018    0
"I spend it every day thinking of you, And in your black eyes, and in your beautiful laughter, I spend it every day thinking of you, And that between your arms I lose

#Are you ready for me?

#Are you ready for me?

  Alexa Sorex   martes, marzo 13, 2018    0
"I like to be treated like a lady, Even if I forget that when we're in bed, I like to be told poetry, To the ear at night when we do nastiness ..."