#This is my world...
"Si no te esfuerzas hasta el máximo, ¿cómo sabrás donde está tu límite?"
"If you do not try to the maximum, how will you know where your limit?"
***Chaqueta: NS:: MesH Fringe Jacket
***Jeans: NS:: Mesh Overall
***Zapatos: :::ChicChica::: Colette Night >>Cosmopolitan event
***Tattoo: .::Nanika::.Neysa tattoo black >>Tres Chic Venue
***Lipstick: ** .:[PUMEC] :. - Lipstick Pack #2 - FOR CATWA HEADS HUD ** >>Dreamful event
***Body and Head mesh appliers: .:[PUMEC] :. - .: Emelie- June Freckles - CATWA GACHA\ >>@ The CHAPTER FOUR
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Sarah