#Autumn Melancholy...
"El viento sacude a los árboles
remonta sus hojas al vuelo
adorna a su antojo el atardecer, a los colores de otoño.
Me quedo callada para escuchar
su dulce canción, el triste ulular
de suaves caricias que se alzan, en el frío acero
de una grúa de construcción..."
***Dress: [sYs] SAMHAIN dress (fitted & body mesh) - black >>The liaison Collaborative
***Jacket: [sYs] SAMHAIN jacket (fitted & body mesh) - brown >>The liaison Collaborative
***Jacket: [sYs] SAMHAIN jacket (fitted & body mesh) - brown >>The liaison Collaborative
***Hair: *ARGRACE* TSUZURI - Dark Browns
***Bodymesh: Belleza-Freya
***Head mesh: Fiore-Minx
*Serenity Style-Vintage Tricycle - >>THE CROSSROADS*Serenity Style-Life Stories "
*Serenity Style Autumn
***Ester Sofa (Couple Poses) - Purple Poses + Me >>COLLABOR88
***Dress: [sYs] SAMHAIN dress (fitted & body mesh) - black >>The liaison Collaborative
***Jacket: [sYs] SAMHAIN jacket (fitted & body mesh) - brown >>The liaison Collaborative
***Jacket: [sYs] SAMHAIN jacket (fitted & body mesh) - brown >>The liaison Collaborative
***Body and Mesh head appliers: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Lyla:. - \ - SKIN (Catwa) >>THE CROSSROADS
***Bodymesh: Belleza-Freya
***Head mesh: Catwa-Annagray
*Serenity Style-Horn Lake: >>Tres chic venue
*Horn Lake Chestnuts sack
*- Horn Lake Grandma's Recipe Pot
* Horn Lake Rocking Chair
*Horn Lake rust bucket
*Serenity Style-Vintage Tricycle - >>THE CROSSROADS*Serenity Style-Life Stories "
*Serenity Style Autumn
***Ester Sofa (Couple Poses) - Purple Poses + Me >>COLLABOR88
***Pose: Moccino - Pose Pack Collection 'Zayday' #15
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.