#Cuando cae la lluvia...

La Firma Nala Desing, lanza nuevos outfits muy actuales, modernos y c贸modos.. el outfit se compone de top y pantal贸n, complementado con una cartera de mano y los zapatos, todo incluido en el pack, he querido mostraros en 茅sta ocasi贸n la bonita skin de DS'ELLES, con aire de ni帽a buena.. 

***Outfit:  ND*Jasmine Outfit [wih purse] Cream/j2*
***Cabello: TRUTH HAIR May -  >> Enchantment Thumbelina
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES- Applier CATWA HEAD- CAMILLE- COLORADO     >> The black dot projet
5 Brows, 3 make up, 4 lipstick
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Alice
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Pic take in: Digital art 

 ***Outfit: ND*Jasmine Outfit [wih purse] Cream*
***Cabello: TRUTH HAIR May -  >> Enchantment Thumbelina
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES- Applier CATWA HEAD- CAMILLE- COLORADO     >> The black dot projet
5 Brows, 3 make up, 4 lipstick
***Colgante: Vintage Touch Veritas Silver Pendant  >> Swank event
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Alice
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Pic take in: Digital art 

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.