M谩s cositas para el evento de Swank, de la mano de Blackrose. Preciosos Zapatos de ChicChica, y skins de dos firmas, Egozy, y DS'ELLE para las Catwa heads.
***Outfit: BlackRose Corset Set Black/Ice >> Swank event
***Zapatos: :::ChicChica::: Bethany, >> On9
***Cabello: eXxEsS Mesh Hair : SENUNA
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy. Shenty 2016, Catwa head
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Outfit: BlackRose Corset Set Black/Red >> Swank event
***Cabello: little bones. Scope - GIFT
***Joyas: Luminesse Kosazana Fandango Gold Necklace Set- >> Swank event
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES - Applier for CATWA CAMILLE >> Black Dot Project
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Sarah
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