#Romantic things
Hoy os traigo dos preciosos dise帽os de la firma *Nala Designs*
***Outfit: ND*Arabela Tango Dancer Red* incluye joyas, bolso, zapatos, adaptado para cuerpos mesh, Tmp, slink, maitreya, belleza
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy. Faiza Catwa head
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Annie
***Cabello: [LeLutka]-SALOME
***Outfit: ND* Chantal SSaneLL Teal* contiene las joyas, los zapatos, el bolso...
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy. Faiza Catwa head
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Annie
***Cabello: TRUTH HAIR Henya -

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.