#Braking Waves...
Nuevo traje de baño de la firma FashionNatic.. y pose de {QP} para pose fair..
***Traje de Baño: Aylin Bikini Set FashionNatic
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy. Faiza Catwa head
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Annie
***Cabello: no.match_ ~ NO_LOSS ~
***Pose: {QP} - Braking Waves >> Pose fair 2016
***Traje de Baño: Aylin Bikini Set FashionNatic
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy. Faiza Catwa head
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Annie
***Cabello: no.match_ ~ NO_LOSS ~
***Pose: {QP} - Braking Waves >> Pose fair 2016
*Fotos tomadas en: Lost Dream
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.