# Legal insanity & Acid lily..
Os traigo m谩s cositas de Acid lily.. cositas en promoci贸n a muy bajo coste.. para que te veas bien bonita... ;-))
***Top: Legal Insanity - britty loose tanks - funky (no free, novedad!! ya posteada)
***Minishorts: [[>CaKe!<]]Denim Shorts Floral Dark-Mesh (no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily)
***Gafas de sol: Legal Insanity - Gael Sunglasses Silver (no free, novedadd!!!)
***Piercing facial: $40L PROMO *P* Unisex Face Piercing ~ Serie P4 ~ Silver
***Piercing ombligo: $65L PROMO *P* Cherry Belly Piercing ~8 Metals & 9 Gem Colors~
Clika en m谩s informaci贸n para ver las imagenes del resto de los conjuntos y la informaci贸n de los mismos..
***Detalle piercing facial, y gafas:
***Gafas de sol: Legal Insanity - Gael Sunglasses Silver (no free, novedadd!!!)
***Piercing facial: $40L PROMO *P* Unisex Face Piercing ~ Serie P4 ~ Silver (no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily) ***Detalle piercing ombligo:
***Piercing ombligo: $65L PROMO *P* Cherry Belly Piercing ~8 Metals & 9 Gem Colors~(no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily)
***Top: Legal Insanity - britty loose tanks - lace - pastels colors (no free, novedad!! ya posteado)
***Minishorts: [[>CaKe!<]]Denim Shorts Floral Clear-Mesh (no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily)
***Botines: .:SS:. WHITE PINK BANDED ANKLE BOOTS (no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily)
***Outfit: even.flow - Butterfly Skirt (no free, promoci贸n para Acid lily)
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.