#Run away with me tonight, baby...
"Ser谩 la magia que tienen tus ojos
esos truquitos para enamorar
tu me seduces a mi antojo
y de tu hechizo no puedo escapar...
Que ganas tengo de buscarte
y de volverte a besar
por mas que traten de alejarte
baby conmigo hoy te vas..."
Clothes & Accesory:
***Outfit: ***GIULIADESIGN***SIRIO >>The Darkness Monthly event
***Hair: =DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Faye"
Mesh Body & Head:
***Head & Bodymesh appliers: DS'ELLES- ORNELLA -SAFRAN CATWA HEAD APPLIER >>Mesh body addicts
***Shape: DS'ELLES--Shape Bento ORNELLA For head CATYA Catwa
***Hands: Maitreya-Lara V4.1 bento
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-Lara v4.1 bento
Clothes & Accesory:
***Outfit: ***GIULIADESIGN***SIRIO >>The Darkness Monthly event
***Tattoo: .::Nanika::. My life tattoo Black >>The chapter four
Mesh Body & Head:
***Head & Bodymesh appliers: DS'ELLES- ORNELLA -SAFRAN CATWA HEAD APPLIER >>Mesh body addicts
***Shape: DS'ELLES--Shape Bento ORNELLA For head CATYA Catwa
***Hands: Maitreya-Lara V4.1 bento
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-Lara v4.1 bento
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.