#Merry Christmasssss!!!!!!
"La magia de la Navidad es que hace que un a帽o se pase volando,
nos hace reflexionar sobre lo que hemos luchado,
lo que hemos ganado y nos da fuerza para seguir adelante.
Despierta y saca a la luz los mejores sentimientos del ser humano
y nos hace apreciar mejor el verdadero valor de la amistad,
la familia y el amor...."
"The magic of Christmas is that it makes a year pass by,
it makes us reflect on what we have fought,
what we have gained and gives us strength to keep going.
It awakens and brings to light the best feelings of the human being
and makes us appreciate better the true value of friendship,
family and love..."
Desde Blog yaa-te digo os deseamos una muy Feliz Navidad!!!!
From Blog yaa-te-digo we wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!
***Dress: [Cynful] Maxi Dress - Group Gift Dec 2016
***Necklace: [Cynful] Gratitdute Choker >>Group Gift!!!!
***Hair: TRUTH HAIR Ginger -
***Body & Mesh head appliers: amara beauty - Sandra 06 caramel CATWA Applier
***Bodymesh: Belleza-Freya
***Head mesh: Catwa-AnnaGrey

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.