#Feeling in me...
"Son tiempos para sentirnos,
cuanto tú y yo estamos a solas
y el tiempo no existe,
ni existe el final,
sólo nos miramos
para besarnos y amarnos,
sin que el mundo se mueva
envidioso de nuestro placer..."
***Top: Luas Gigi - >>The Chapter Four
***Shorts: Luas Basic Shorts >>The book of Daniel
***Shoes: #EMPIRE - Wishbone >>COLLABOR88
***Hair: (r)M Hair, No.45'16
***Tattoo: .::Nanika::. Luna torso & Leg tattoo Black >>On9
***Jewerly: Semi-Precious Mariposa - >>The S.O.S Festival
***Jewerly: Semi-Precious Mariposa - >>The S.O.S Festival
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES-Applier CATWA HEAD-NATHALIE- JAVA >>The Black Dot project
***Bodymesh: Slink-Hourglass
***Headmesh: Catwa- Anna
***Pose: PURPLE POSES - Couple 546
***Top: Luas Gigi - >>The Chapter Four
***Shorts: Luas Basic Shorts >>The book of Daniel
***Shoes: #EMPIRE - Wishbone >>COLLABOR88
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES-Applier CATWA HEAD-NATHALIE- JAVA >>The Black Dot project
***Bodymesh: Slink-Hourglass
***Headmesh: Catwa- Anna
A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.