#On my body...

"Posando mis labios sobre tu piel, recorro tiernamente tu calor, sintiendo poco a poco, la fuerza salvaje de tu pasión."

"Kissing my lips on your skin, gently go around your warmth, feeling little by little, the wild force of your passion."

***Hair: *Besom~Laced*   >>Holidays Sales...
***Tatto  Leg: .::Nanika::. Flora Leg tattoo Black    >>On9 
***Shoes:  #EMPIRE - Yarrow     >>Midnight Madness
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES-Applier Catwa head mesh- CARRIE-JAVA
***Bodymesh:  Maitreya-Lara
***Head mesh: Catwa  head-Sarah
***Pose: DS'ELLES- EVIDENCE- Stand 5 poses - 

***Hair: *Besom~Laced*   >>Holidays Sales...
***Tatto  Leg: .::Nanika::. Flora Leg tattoo Black    >>On9 
***Shoes:  #EMPIRE - Yarrow     >>Midnight Madness
***Body and Head mesh appliers: DS'ELLES-Applier Catwa head mesh- CARRIE-JAVA
***Bodymesh:  Maitreya-Lara
***Head mesh: Catwa  head-Sarah
***Pose: DS'ELLES- EVIDENCE- Stand 5 poses -

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.