#I'm Free!!!!
*Preciso outfit que La dise帽adora Celinll Alem ha hecho con mucho cari帽o para la campa帽a de NO ME TOQUES, de Sofia Rossi... contra el maltrato hacia la mujer.
"Mant茅n la ilusi贸n y la esperanza de una vida mejor, para t铆 y los tuyos. Aleja la desconfianza y deja que el amor vuelva a asentarse en tu coraz贸n"
No te rindas nunca...
*Beautiful outfit, made by designer Celinll Alem has done with great affection for the campaign Do not touch me, from Sofia Rossi ... against the mistreatment of women.
"Keep the illusion and the hope of a better life for you and yours. Keep away mistrust and let love again settle in your heart"
Never give up...
*Beautiful outfit, made by designer Celinll Alem has done with great affection for the campaign Do not touch me, from Sofia Rossi ... against the mistreatment of women.
"Keep the illusion and the hope of a better life for you and yours. Keep away mistrust and let love again settle in your heart"
Never give up...
***Outfit: ND*I'm Free* [Slink-Maitreya-Belleza] (incluye zapatos y Bolso)
***Cabello: Lamb. Bobbi -
***Tattoo: : Glitch : Foam Tattoo >>Swank Event
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy Foxy (Nougat)
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Outfit: ND*I'm Free* [Slink-Maitreya-Belleza] (incluye zapatos y Bolso)
***Cabello: Lamb. Bobbi -
***Tattoo: : Glitch : Foam Tattoo >>Swank Event
***Body and Head mesh appliers: Egozy Foxy (Nougat)
***Bodymesh: Maitreya-lara
***Head mesh: CATWA HEAD Sarah

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.