#I miss you...

Nuevo round en el evento Bombshell.. seguimos con la ropita sexy.. y lenceria.. ^^ todo combinado con los zapatos de VG para The black dot projet.. y un cabello de regalito en *Argrace*

***Lencer铆a: .sass. sanne [ivory] OMEGA appliers >>Bombshells event round February
***Cabello:  *ARGRACE* CHIKAI - GroupGift   
***Zapatos:  VG SCORPIO FAT PACK [Slink High]  >>The black dot projet event


***Lencer铆a: ::::Suki:::: Lucy ~ black Appliers for maitreya, belleza, slink, & Omega.  >>Bombshells event round February
***Zapatos: VG SCORPIO FAT PACK [Slink High]  >>The black dot projet event

***Lencer铆a: ~=Distinction=~ Corset Romper {Brown} Omega appliers. >>Bombshells event round February
***Zapatos:  VG SCORPIO FAT PACK [Slink High]  >>The black dot projet event

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.