Hoy traigo algunas novedades de :::KC:::, preciosos outfits para cualquier ocasi贸n en tu sl.. tambi茅n os traigo otro modelo ya posteado de Glamistry y las nuevas botas de VGshoes que realmente son una pasada.. otras botas super sexys y conjuntables con cualquier cosa.. con un hud sencillisimo con texturas denin y leather.. me encantan :-)
***Vestido: :::KC::: Hope Mini Dress
***Lip gloss appliers: :::KC::: : Kendall Lips Gloss for Catwa
***Botas: VG CHICAGO
***Skin head appliers: DS'ELLES- Applier Catwa head mesh- CARRIE-JAVA
***Body mesh appliers: DS'ELLES- HUD Maitreya
***Vestido: :::KC::: Hope Mini Dress
***Lip gloss appliers: :::KC::: Kendall Lips Gloss for Catwa
***Botas: VG CHICAGO
***Skin head appliers: DS'ELLES- Applier Catwa head mesh- CARRIE-JAVA
***Body mesh appliers: DS'ELLES- HUD Maitreya
***Outfit: :::KC::: Meli Jumpsuit
***Lip gloss appliers: :::KC::: Kendall Lips Gloss for Catwa
***Zapatos: Glamistry - ANGELICA Heels
>>Promoci贸n de Glamistry...:
Purchase any single color for Crocus heels and receive 3 more colors absolutely for FREE!
Here's how it works:
1. Purchase any single color for Crocus heels. Be it marketplace, mainstore or your Crocus's HUD - doesn't matter, all will do.
2. Open http://promo.glamistry.com and use the following promo code: VNDPJQ
3. System will randomly choose 3 colors which you do not own yet and will add them to your HUD for FREE!
Offer ends in Jan 24th 11:59PM SLT!

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