#A little Smile for you...

Hoy os traigo c贸modos outfits de la firma GAALL.. super ponibles, y para andar correteando por sl.. incluyen los zapatos en ambos, y un hud para cambiar las texturas y colores..

***Outfit: GAALL* Smile Outfit
***Cabello: .LeLutka.Demi hair.Choco 
***Mesh head: LOGO Infinity Alex Hybrid Mesh Avatar -
***Mesh head appliers: *YS&YS* Erika Tone04 Skin Applier For LOGO Mesh Head Alex
***Body-mesh: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara


***Outfit: GAALL* Mayfair outfit
***Cabello: .LeLutka.Demi hair.Choco 
***Mesh head: LOGO Infinity Alex Hybrid Mesh Avatar -
***Mesh head appliers: *YS&YS* Erika Tone04 Skin Applier For LOGO Mesh Head Alex
***Body-mesh: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.