
"Si te amé, ya no sé, 
Ni tu nombre, 
Ya no existes en mi piel 
Si lloré.. 
No recuerdo cómo fue..."

"If I loved you, I do not know your name,
no longer exist on my skin
If I cried ..
I do not remember how it was ..."

***Outfit:  :PC: Sarah Vest and Panties
***Shoes:  :PC: Heels     >>[Addicted to Black - Exclusive]
***Hair: little bones. Chel - 
*** Body and Head mesh appliers:.:[PUMEC] :.-.:Sonia:.- /September\-SKIN    >>The Crossroads
***Bodymesh:  Maitreya-Lara
***Head mesh: Catwa  head-Sarah
***Pose: [Single Poses] Circular Sofa - Purple Poses + ME   >>The Crossroads

***Outfit: :PC: Outfit Let's GO #2     >>[EXCLUSIVE ROSS EVENT]
***Shoes:   :PC: Let's Go Sneakers 
***Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * KELIA * 
***Body and Head mesh appliers:  L'Etre Skin Shop - Sasha Skin 
***Bodymesh: -Belleza- Freya Full 
***Headmesh: Catwa-Sarah
***Pose: ~Reel Poses - Pokemon GO!

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Ceyron Louis

A web designer from India. And then you write some more information about yourself like this to fill out the space that is left.